Tomorrow I’m celebrating two years of working as the
Assistant Director of the Primrose School of SW Oklahoma City! For those that
know me well, you know what an accomplishment and milestone this is for
me. Two years ago, I had so many doubts
about whether I had what it took to be in the position I was about to
embrace…and years before that I would’ve never guessed I’d be in a Leadership
role. But, here I am two years later and through all the ups and downs I can
truly say that I’m happy! I also know that God still has me right where he
wants me J
I work for two of the most wonderful people! They have been
there for me and taken care of me since the beginning. They have helped guide
me, shape me, and have supported me in my role. They aren’t just my employers…they
are truly my family. I love you Angela & Helen.
We have encountered so much in two short years to name a few
things: The hand, foot, & mouth epidemic, strept throat outbreaks, vicious stomach
bugs, that one time Angela & Helen got covered in water (haha), and staff turnover…among other things ;)
We survived our first year of holidays including Primrose
Election Day, our first Christmas Program, and the Parade of Costumes. We’ve
had two very successful Spring Fling events and have also grown the enrollment
in our school from around 25 students in attendance on our 1st day
of school to 143 students today.
We had to rally around our staff and families to pick up the
pieces after the May 20th Tornado struck the Newcastle & Moore
area and destroyed the homes of some families and staff. We somehow found peace
through the comfort of each other when just a few short months ago a tragic car
accident took the lives of two of are very young students and their
father. (Rest in Peace Blake, Asher, and
Todd it still brings tears to my eyes when I think about you being gone)
I’ve grown so much as a person and a leader since I’ve been
in this position. I’m still so thankful for the opportunity I was given two
years ago. I know that each day brings
its own strengths and its own struggles and its up to me to make it the best
day I can & to teach my staff to do the same. I’ve learned that you can’t
just give up and quit when things get hard, the hard times are actually when
you learn and grow the most. J
I’m so thankful for the staff that works beneath me and
truly believe that each one of them brings something different and good to the
table that our school needs. Sometimes its taken some shaking up to make sure
all the parts are mixed well, but we’re definitely getting there!
So here is to what I hope is many more years at the Primrose
School of SW Oklahoma City! I love you gals!
My first visit to the school when it was still under construction
Doing what I do...One of the first few days of school.
Grand Opening w/ my supportive friends
Our 1st Winter
Happy 1st Birthday to us!
Red Mud Run 2013 with some of the staff
Red Ribbon Parade 2013 and one of my favorite pics of Angela & I :)
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