Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sweet Community

This summer I worked at Pine Cove. (I know most of you are thinking, “Yeah we know, you talk about it all the time!” Sorry, I’m not sorry) The reason I mentioned it, is because while I was there I experienced true community like I’ve never experienced before!

When you spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 3 months of your life with the same 60 people, you tend to get really close to them. We ate together, lived together, served together, prayed together, cried together, and loved together. Even when we had time off on the weekends, we spent most of it with each other.

There is something so unique about the bond that I share with all of them. We were a family. I had so much accountability when I was surrounded by them, was so encouraged in their presence, and was loved like I’ve never been before.

When camp was over, I knew it would be very hard to leave that…and it was! I didn’t fully prepare myself for how sad I would be when I wasn’t with them anymore. I came home and for the first 3 weeks I was here, I really struggled. I knew it was possible to find community here at home. But, a big part of me didn’t even want to try because I just loved what I had at camp so much. I prayed about it and hoped that eventually I would find this kind of community at home.

Its so important to have something like that in your life. Jesus had it when he walked this earth. He spent a good majority of his time with the 12 disciples. They traveled together, shared meals together, stayed together, and prayed together.

The Lord was faithful in providing a great community for me here. I had to put myself out there a little bit in order to find it. But, he came through and I am so thankful and blessed! My life group has been an incredible source of encouragement and accountability for me within the last month. (they probably don't even realize it) We are all growing together and even though I still feel like we are in the beginning stages of our relationships. I know that the Lord is doing some great things in each of our lives because of the community that we’ve decided to have with each other.

My prayer for us is that, we would continue to grow and have fun together and most importantly, that we would show genuine love to each other and we would be intentional with each other! 

"Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now." -Philippians 1:3-5


  1. one big happy family...intentional community is the best

  2. Awe I started tearing up! Our life group means so much to me to Kasa! I love you Kasa!!! :D

  3. Kasa, what a great post. I couldn't have said it any better. It's so cool to know that God has hand picked us all to be a part of this family. What a blessing. God is good!
