Monday, December 29, 2014

2014: A Season of Embrace

Every year I choose one word to focus on that year. This year I happened to choose the word Embrace. Boy! Did God have an amazing season in store for me! I embraced moving in with family to pay off school debt, finding a new church home, making new friends and finding a new life group, I officially own my own photography business now, relationship/dating experiences that made me learn so much about myself, and the most recent thing was stepping into the role of Director at my school and continuing my education! God has done more and provided so much for me in many ways this year! I guess what I'm trying to say is Embrace what God has for you no matter how
scary it may be. His ways are higher and he thinks of you highly and sees way more potential in you than you'll ever see in yourself. 

Here is a fun slideshow of pictures I put together to show some highlights of my year! 

2014: A Season of Embrace

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My Primrose Adventure

Tomorrow I’m celebrating two years of working as the Assistant Director of the Primrose School of SW Oklahoma City! For those that know me well, you know what an accomplishment and milestone this is for me.  Two years ago, I had so many doubts about whether I had what it took to be in the position I was about to embrace…and years before that I would’ve never guessed I’d be in a Leadership role. But, here I am two years later and through all the ups and downs I can truly say that I’m happy! I also know that God still has me right where he wants me J

I work for two of the most wonderful people! They have been there for me and taken care of me since the beginning. They have helped guide me, shape me, and have supported me in my role. They aren’t just my employers…they are truly my family. I love you Angela & Helen.

We have encountered so much in two short years to name a few things: The hand, foot, & mouth epidemic, strept throat outbreaks, vicious stomach bugs, that one time Angela & Helen got covered in water (haha), and staff turnover…among other things ;)

We survived our first year of holidays including Primrose Election Day, our first Christmas Program, and the Parade of Costumes. We’ve had two very successful Spring Fling events and have also grown the enrollment in our school from around 25 students in attendance on our 1st day of school to 143 students today.

We had to rally around our staff and families to pick up the pieces after the May 20th Tornado struck the Newcastle & Moore area and destroyed the homes of some families and staff. We somehow found peace through the comfort of each other when just a few short months ago a tragic car accident took the lives of two of are very young students and their father.  (Rest in Peace Blake, Asher, and Todd it still brings tears to my eyes when I think about you being gone)

I’ve grown so much as a person and a leader since I’ve been in this position. I’m still so thankful for the opportunity I was given two years ago.  I know that each day brings its own strengths and its own struggles and its up to me to make it the best day I can & to teach my staff to do the same. I’ve learned that you can’t just give up and quit when things get hard, the hard times are actually when you learn and grow the most. J

I’m so thankful for the staff that works beneath me and truly believe that each one of them brings something different and good to the table that our school needs. Sometimes its taken some shaking up to make sure all the parts are mixed well, but we’re definitely getting there!

So here is to what I hope is many more years at the Primrose School of SW Oklahoma City! I love you gals!

My first visit to the school when it was still under construction

 Doing what I do...One of the first few days of school. 

Grand Opening w/ my supportive friends

Our 1st Winter

Happy 1st Birthday to us!

Red Mud Run 2013 with some of the staff

Red Ribbon Parade 2013 and one of my favorite pics of Angela & I :) 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Word for 2014

A couple of years ago I adopted the idea of throwing out the cliche "New Year's Resolutions" and simply choosing one word to focus on for the year and I have really enjoyed this new concept!

Before I jump into this year I want to take some time to look back at 2013.

Last year I chose to focus on the word "Create". This word came to me after a conversation I had with a friend about Ephesians 4:1 which states, "...Lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God." God has blessed me with creativity in a couple of different areas and I didn't want to hide that anymore but to share it with others. Last year, a friend of mine decided he was going to commit to completing a different project every month for the entire year. I thought that sounded like a fun idea and wanted to do my own spin on it. So I thought I could do one creative project each month for the whole year. Now, I think by the time April rolled around I lost track of my month to month projects, but overall I feel like 2013 was definitely a year of creativity for me and I was happy that I used my talents to "Create" last year. Here is just a glimpse of some of the things I was able to create through painting and photography in 2013.

One of the most exciting things for me was that I even had a logo made for "KasKas Designs" so that I can advertise my art & photography!

... I know I'm a late bloomer and we're already almost 9 days into 2014. But, I've finally decided that my word for 2014 is going to be Embrace.


1  [em-breys
verb (used with object), em·braced, em·brac·ing.
to take or clasp in the arms; press to the bosom; hug.
to take or receive gladly or eagerly; accept willingly: to embrace an idea.
to avail oneself of: to embrace an opportunity.
to adopt (a profession, a religionetc.): to embrace Buddhism.
to take in with the eye or the mind.

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Isaiah 43:18-19:

"Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

This year I want to embrace all that God is doing in my life. Frankly, right now I have no idea all that God wants to do or is going to do this year. But, I do know that I want to be a part of it. I want to embrace it.

It may mean bringing new people into my life. It may mean letting go of some "former" things and embracing some new opportunities. I know that it also means embracing challenges, struggles, and disappointments. It means embracing not only the victories but the defeats. I know that God is ultimately refining my heart and my character and making me more like him. Its hard and not always pretty but I know that he loves me and he wants me to embrace moments like that too.

A few other scriptures the Lord has revealed to me for this Journey are:

Philippians 3:13
"But one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead."

Ezekiel 36:26
"And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh."

Ecclesiastes 3:1
"For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven"

Haggai 2:19
"Is the seed yet in the barn? Indeed, the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree have yielded nothing. But from this day on I will bless you." (Count on it!)

2 Timothy 1:12
"That is why I am suffering here in prison. But I am not ashamed of it, for I know the one in whom I trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until the day of his return."

I'm going to embrace this season of my life believing that God is able and holding onto God's truth knowing that he will bring about good in everything--nothing is wasted.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

God's Purpose is God's Glory

Last night while I was asleep, the Lord reminded me of a word he had recently given to me.

"God's Purpose is God's Glory."

While I was sleeping, God allowed me to see what that looked like for my life. When I woke up this morning, I forgot most of the vision but remembered the phrase so clearly. It really made me unpack what that does look like in my life and to focus on what it means for me personally. 

We want our lives to be easy. We want everything to work out the way we want it to work out and we expect nothing short of perfection. Reality Check. That's not God's plan! and if you look at the scriptures, when was that ever God's plan?

God has placed me in a position as the Assistant Director of a Private Preschool and Kindergarten. Its been a lot of fun and so far it has been a really fulfilling career choice for me. But, ultimately its been challenging because my leadership skills are always being tested. If you've known me well for quite sometime, its not a position I would have placed myself in 3 years ago. I was a completely different person then! God had already started growing me in leadership even then...But, I just wasn't ready for it, and honestly I'm still not.

Its hard being in charge of people. It requires self sacrifice. It requires that you take full responsibility of whatever happens, not matter what! It sometimes requires you being the first person there and the last one to leave to ensure that things are done. It requires you to live by example and be above reproach in all areas of your life. 

Peter appeals to leaders in 1 Peter 5:2-3
"Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly--not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. Don't lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example."

I think this sums up the challenges that leaders face. We must lead people because we are eager to serve God and not for our own selfish desires or self promotion. We must care for our flocks! We must do everything we can to make sure they are guided to the right pastures which sometimes requires discipline. But, not the sort of discipline that is done by "Lording it over them" and with a pompous attitude, but a discipline that comes from Love and genuine Care, like a Good Shepherd! People see this best when its reflected in your character.

So what does all this have to do with "God's Purpose is God's Glory."...

God has placed me in a position that I love but is challenging, because his strength is made perfect in my weaknesses! God is glorified when I go to work every day, because every day he gives me the daily bread I need to lead my employees! Whenever I accomplish something I always know its through him because leadership isn't something that I was ever good at on my own!

Your situation is most likely a lot different from mine. Maybe for you, this means loving little kids that are in your class. Teaching them every day and pouring into their lives, even when they choose to disobey, when they drive you bonkers, and when they make you wanna scream. But, you keep pouring into them, you keep loving them...because thats the only way they'll ever see Christ. God's Purpose is God's Glory.

Maybe for you this means stepping out and doing something that you are scared to do or that you don't necessarily want to do, but God called you to do it. If it wasn't for Christ doing what he did not want to do (dying on the cross) because God called him to do it...none of us would be here. God's Purpose is God's Glory.

Maybe for you, this means being single. When everyone else around you is getting married and starting families and you feel like you've completely missed the boat! But, instead of waiting you need to start living. You can serve God in so many amazing ways as a single person! Whatever situation you are facing today, I challenge you to get some perspective. Ask yourself, what can I do to Glorify God in this season of my life?

Bethel Live has a new song entitled "For the Sake of the World" and the lyrics simply say this "For the sake of the world, burn like a fire in me, light a flame in my soul for every eye to see. For the Sake of the world burn like a fire in me." and then it goes on to say "I'm living for your Glory on the earth." I can't think of a better description of God's Purpose is God's Glory than that song! 

"For everything comes from God and exists by his power and is intended for his Glory. All Glory to him forever. Amen." Romans 11:36

Monday, January 16, 2012

...because sometimes what we want, isn't what we are aching for...


I am the sea on a moonless night,
Calling, falling, slipping tides
I am the leaky, dripping pipes
The endless aching drops of light
I am the raindrop falling down,
Always longing for the deeper ground
I am the broken, breaking seas
Even my blood finds ways to bleed

Even the rivers ways to run
Even the rain to reach the sun
Even my thirsty streams,
Even in my dreams

I am restless, I am restless
I am restless, looking for you
I am restless, I run like the ocean to find your shore
I’m looking for you

I am the thorn stuck in your side,
I am the one that you left behind,
I am the dried up doubting eyes
Looking for the well that won’t run dry

Running hard for the other side
The world that I’ve always been denied
Running hard for the infinite
With the tears of the saints and hypocrites

Oh blood of black and white and gray
Death and life and night and day
One by one by one
We let our rivers run

I am restless, I am restless
I am restless, looking for you
I am restless, I run like the ocean to find your shore
Looking for you

I can hear you breathing,
I can hear you leading
More than just a feeling
More than just a feeling
I can feel you reaching
Pushing through the ceiling
'til the final healing
I'm looking for you

Until the sea of glass we meet
At last completed and complete
The tide of tear and pain subside
Laughter drinks them dry

I’ll be waiting
All that I aim for
What I was made for
With every heartbeat
All of my blood bleeds
Running inside me
Looking for you

I am restless, I am restless
I am restless, looking for you
I am restless, I run like the ocean to find your shore
I'm looking for you

I can feel you breathing
I can feel you leading
More than just a feeling
More than just a feeling
I can feel you reaching
Pushing through the ceiling
'til the final healing
I'm looking for you
I'm looking for you

Sunday, January 15, 2012


“Not that I was ever in need for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation…” 

Philippians 4: 11-12a

I've only been on my journey towards contentment for a couple of days now, and its already one of the hardest things I've ever tried to work towards. A few dictionaries describe contentment as
  • Satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.
  • Mentally or emotionally satisfied with the way things are.
  • Willing to accept circumstances. 

I’m currently reading a book by Barbara Hughes called “Disciplines of a Godly Woman”
She has entire chapter dedicated to the Discipline of Contentment. In the chapter, she shares this quote about what Christian Contentment is:
“ Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God’s wise and fatherly disposal in every condition.” –Jeremiah Burroughs

In Philippians 4, Paul states that he learned what it meant to be content in every situation. This gives hope that its possible to get there. It also brings the realization that its something we have to work to get to and that it doesn't come to us naturally. Paul was an old man by the time that he wrote his letter stating that he knew what it meant to be content. Its definitely a process that requires discipline and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

In our world, Its so easy to be tempted by discontent. All we have to do is turn on the TV, open up Facebook, browse Pinterest, or drive down the road. There are so many messages, ads, and signs that tell us we aren't happy unless we obtain something we don't have.

Its incredible how easy it is to be consumed by discontent and not even realize it. For instance, I was just browsing Pinterest the other day looking at creative ideas for decorating my room. When I discovered, that something was happening within my heart. In my heart, it wasn't this innocent hobby of trying to find creative ideas...but, it was looking at all those images and wishing/desiring all these things I didn't have.

Barbara Hughes, uses Eve as an example of just how much we as humans are inclined to discontent. She says that Eve had everything she could ever want. She had a beautiful place to live, a great husband, and she had direct communication with God. But, where she went wrong was that she fell into the sin that all of us struggle with. She listened to that voice that told her that God was holding out on her.

I know that my heart will always be inclined to discontent. I have to train it to think otherwise.

2 Peter 2:20-22 says,
"And when people escape from the wickedness of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and then get tangled up and enslaved by sin again, they are worse off than before. It would be better if they had never known the way to righteousness than to know it and then reject the command they were given to live a holy life."
Hughes also writes that, we often know God's word and the truth that the gospel brings but we still choose to let ourselves be entangled by all the empty trash that the world tries to offer us. Those words resonated so deep within me because I know I do this!

I know that true contentment will come from knowing God and his word. When I truly grasp all that God is and all that he has done, and that is what I fill my heart with....Then and only then will I truly be content.

"Apart from the only One who can satisfy us, we human beings insatiable--we always want more."
-Barbara Hughes

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My word for 2012

"All my longings lie open before you, O Lord." 
Psalm 38:9

My good friend Alex, recently wrote a blog about the idea of coming up with 3 words for the New Year. The main purpose of the words is to help set the course for where you hope to go and what you hope to achieve in the coming year. 
I also had the opportunity to attend/work a conference at Pine Cove over New Years and to hear from a great leader and Camp Director, Craig “Dutch” Langemeier. During his chat with the staff, he mentioned focusing in on one character quality that we hope to grow in over the next year.

I could think of several areas that I would love to grow in. But, instead of making a lot of lofty goals and becoming over committed and in the end getting burnt out and giving up on all of them…I’ve decided to commit to one word.

After a lot of thought and prayer, I have decided that my word is contentment.

I hope to share with you in this post why I have chosen this word for my life, and then in another post that will shortly follow I want to share some thoughts about contentment.

When I look at my life, most often I think, "This isn't where I thought I'd be at 25!". I have a strong desire to be a wife and a mother. I've spent pretty much all of my life as a single person and now I'm 25 and I start to wonder, "Ok God. Did you forget about me?"  Right now, this is the biggest thing I struggle with, but I could name other areas in my life where I’ve let discontent creep in.

The frightening part about this is that, I feel like because I’ve been sitting and waiting around for that next step in my life, I’ve been missing out on so many opportunities! I’ve also been missing out on all the satisfaction that comes from fully knowing God!

I know this is going to be a difficult journey for me over the next year, but I know it will be worth it in the end. Paul said in Philippians 4, ”I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.”  It is a learning process, it doesn’t come to us naturally. This brings up my next point, I do have a secondary word which is discipline, because I know this isn't possible without it.

I want to spend time focusing in on God and continuing to learn that everything I desire and everything I need is hidden in him! Also, instead of waiting around for that next step in my life or for that next thing, I want to focus in on the opportunities I have right now and start serving and doing now! 

"Each one should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has called him."

1 Corinthians 7:17